Date: 24-Jun-2017

Yes. At the start of each ceremony and at the close, the shaman lays hands on each person's crown and sings blessing icaros and protection mantras in order to open you up safely to receive the medicine and to close you down securely, much like a surgeon in an operating theatre. At the end of the final aya ceremony, he performs a final 'sealing in' of all the medicine you have received. This involves various works on your crown, temples, back of the skull, heart chakra and back of the neck.

Many women, and some men, who come have what we call 'pulsarios'. These are pulsating balls of repressed emotional energy stored in the womb or stomach. These released emotional energies act as a doorway through which lower vibrational energies parasitically attach. There are certain plants that can be made into a tea, administered as needed over the retreat, to loosen the hold of these energies and sometimes an extraction is necessary for their full removal. This involves the shaman holding agua florida or lemon juice in his mouth whilst he sucks on the blocked area. This is never performed without permission and is always done in a respectful manner

The shaman may also use a singing bowl or other implements on either the heart or stomach. If somebody is experiencing the medicine too strongly because they are finding it difficult to surrender to the medicine the shaman may have to perform the same extraction technique described above in order to remove the 'mareacion' (the psychedelic effects of the medicine). This is generally performed on the temples.

Date: 23-May-2017

Do you offer group travel as part of your yoga or meditation teaching? Are you a business owner looking for that extra team building edge? Significant birthday or anniversary coming soon? We have special programs for any life event or affinity group.

Let us help you organize something really meaningful and enjoy a special offer for groups of 12 or fewer. For every ten paid retreats we offer two additional retreat spots for free. For smaller groups we offer one free retreat for every five paid retreats. This offer is subject to some simple rules such as all the retreats must be booked at once. Custom ceremonies and retreats exclusive to your group are available.

Date: 23-May-2017

Ashtanga Yoga

Yoga focuses the mind, purifies the nervous system, strengthens the body, and lifts the spirit. It also supports the integration of medicine experiences. During 10 or12-day retreats there are opportunities to learn various aspects of the yoga lifestyle we hope you will incorporate into daily life.

These aspects include: Yama (moral codes), Niyama (self-purification), Asana (postures), Pranayama (breath work), Pratyahara (sense control), Dhahran (concentration), Dhyana (mediation), and Samadhi (absorption into the universal).

Date: 24-Jun-2017

A woman's menstruation is her already going through Mother Nature's natural and powerful monthly cleanse. Aya is also a powerful cleanse. Both Aya and menses have attendant energies that are challenging to the woman and others in ceremony. Therefore, we ask women to abstain from ceremony for the first two days of their cycle.

Date: 23-May-2017

Energy healing is a person-to-person exchange. One or more of the healing team guides a flow of high vibrational energy to your subtle energy body.  This exchange works to restore smooth energy and repair wellbeing. Ask us about energy healings during your retreat.

Date: 23-May-2017

Travel to Huaraz, Peru and The Way Inn Lodge

Details are here: https://wayinn.com/travel-information

Date: 24-Jun-2017

The shaman will pour the dose his spirit guides indicate. We always err on the side of caution initially, as it is far easier to give somebody a second cup than push somebody too far, too fast. Ayahuasca is intelligent and it is almost impossible to “overdose”. That being said, it is ideal to find a healthy balance between a strong medicinal dose and an amount that allows the seeker to work consciously with the medicine.

Date: 23-May-2017

Psychotherapy and Ayahuasca

Psychotherapy is a great ally to plant medicine work because it provides a safe space for you to process your experiences. This work helps you gain a transpersonal understanding of your life experiences and gives you tools to live life authentically.

Date: 25-May-2016

Floral Baths

Floral baths, (banos florals), are a staple of shamanic healing throughout Peru because they help unblock and wash away heavier energies.  This clearing enables our bodies to better channel the energies of Great Spirit and Pachamama and unify them in our hearts. More, floral baths make our bodies more hospitable vessels for the plants we are working with to come into and share their wisdom. 

Date: 25-May-2016

Group Circles

These assist you with processing and integrating your retreat experiences.  Sharing your thoughts and feelings helps the whole group move forward. Over the years of refining our program, we have found that as much healing takes place in these circles, as does in the ceremonies the night before. We have also observed how a group personality with common themes emerges. One person’s share offered in circle helps others gain clarity on issues they are dealing with.

Date: 24-Jun-2017

You’ll get a welcome packet that sets out guidelines for your best retreat. In brief, lay off pork, alcohol, recreational street drugs & pharmaceuticals for a month beforehand. Two weeks is acceptable. The exception is anti-depressants, which cannot be taken for two months beforehand - not preparing properly can be life threatening as SSRI's take time to leave the system.

The guiding principle is that the cleaner you are coming in, the easier the initial process will be and the sooner you'll get through the heavier cleansing work and be able to enjoy the more ecstatic, open heart states. Mediation and yoga for a period beforehand will condition your meridians to be better able to receive and channel the intense energies we will be inducting into your system.

Date: 24-Jun-2017

Each ceremony has a standard structure - the shaman preparing himself, the opening of the space, the blessing of the medicine, the opening of the participants, the calling in of the spirits through song, prayer and intention, then the closing of the participants and finally the closing of the space. Every ceremony is also very, very different and there's no way to predict precisely what will unfold. That's why you want to be working with a qualified professional! One of the factors that earns a shaman his or her 'maestría' is the capacity to respond effectively and intuitively to whatever transpires. The same way you pay a doctor for years of dedication, study and experience, you pay us for our years of dedication, study, experience and expertise in a realm that few know how to navigate or interact with.

Every participant gets whatever kind of support they need. After ceremony, we put on a relaxing playlist to help continue holding the space and make sure that everybody settles back in safely after their journeys.

Date: 25-May-2016

One-on-One Consultations

Our healing team is available to help you on your journey both in and out of ceremony. Get personalized assistance and gain insight into your experiences with private one-on-one consultations with our Shamanic Team.

Date: 25-May-2016

San Pedro (Huachuma) Ceremony

We offer sacred San Pedro (Huachuma) ceremonies as part of personalized and 12-Day retreats. The first stage of the medicine work is cleaning the channels.  After cleaning, we introduce expanded experiences like San Pedro. 

A very important, and often overlooked, part of the process is successfully sealing those expanded energies back into our bodies so we can live with expanded awareness in our everyday lives. The later Ayahuasca ceremonies are performed for this purpose and Huachuma crystalizes your new, higher awareness.  We hold our ceremonies in the day and enjoy a gentle hike up the ridgeline from the lodge, stopping periodically to roll with the medicine and go within, as the spirit of the day unfolds.

Date: 25-May-2016

Shamanic Lectures

Shamanic traditions differ greatly by region, tribe and individual family lineage.  However, these traditions all point to the same unified reality described in the world’s great wisdom traditions: The Vedas, Buddhist Cannons, Christian Mystics and Native American teachings.  We share what we have discovered from synthesizing these various traditions with you in lecture format.

The purpose of the talks is twofold; 1) To share our shamanistic, medicine-based belief system, which helps the mind engage with the new realities encountered in plant medicine ceremonies. 2) To provide you with the tools you need to integrate teachings gleaned from your medicine experience.  Most seekers find plant medicines support their lived experiences from a completely new level.

Date: 25-May-2016

Tobacco Purges

Throughout the Americas Tobacco is revered as a sacred plant. In Peruvian Shamanism, tobacco is one of the four master teacher plants and is an incredibly powerful healer, cleanser and protector. It cleanses the body of unprocessed trauma and negativity, which cause physical illness and spiritual imbalance.  Whilst the purge itself can be challenging, after the tobacco purge you’ll feel light, clean and free.

We refer to this method of healing as "tobacco" but the full story is more sophisticated.  When we refer to tobacco, we're actually referring to a blend of five plants that together offer even more powerful healing.  

Date: 25-May-2016


A full self-body massage (called Abhyanga in Ayurveda´s Sanskrit language of origin) brings the subtle energies of the body back into balance through the use of oil and touch. It is deeply revitalizing and relaxing. At the same time, it is a practice gentle cleansing and detoxification. In personal treatments the oil is often pre-medicated with herbs to treat specific conditions.

Date: 23-May-2016

Opening Ceremony

We open retreats with an offering to Pachamama (Mother Earth) asking for her support throughout our healing process.  This offering begins creating sacred space within which the medicine work will safely take place. We construct a Mandala gathere from various plants and artifacts.  We close the retreat by expressing our gratitude to Great Spirit for newfound freedom, lightness, energies, insights, sense of purpose and belonging.  Finally, we surrender all that which we came to free ourselves from to a campfire flame.

Date: 23-May-2017

Neuromuscular Therapy

In our tradition, unprocessed trauma takes up residence in the body. Neuromuscular Therapy is an advanced technique where the therapist applies precise, quasi-static pressure to soft tissue. This stimulates specific, striated muscles and can often result in emotional release that improves the quality of daily life. We find it a great add-on to integrating your Ayahuasca experience.

Date: 25-May-2016

Pranayama Meditation

Prana is the life force, which sustains our physical and subtle bodies.  We perish without it.  Pranayama is a particular type of yoga that regulates Prana through controlled  breathing exercises. When available, our Ashtanga Yoga instructor teaches pranayama meditations before Ayahuasca ceremonies to help prepare your acupuncture meridians and nervous system to channel the intense energies activated during the medicine experience.

Date: 24-Jun-2017

Alex Good, builder of The Way Inn and co-founder of The Temple of the Way of Light, is a trained shaman with ten years’ professional practice in safe, effective Ayahuasca ceremonies. He is an initiated master of Buddhist, Vedic, Amazonian and Andean medicine traditions. In the Amazonian tradition, he studied under the Julio Jerena lineage, as practiced at Blue Morpho, which focuses on the use of the magics, and under the lineage of Manuel Buenaventura Oroche which focuses solely on the 'Divine Science'.

Alex practices a blend of shamanism and consciousness development techniques where his main spiritual allies are the Buddhas and Vedic personages. He believes that illness and suffering stem from imbalances at higher field levels. He works with mother Aya to remove stagnant energies, unblock and straighten the acupuncture meridians and so raise your consciousness. This enables higher energies to cascade down freely into your system, healing and aligning lower, denser energies.

Date: 24-Jun-2017

We work with twelve guests maximum per retreat. One shaman can handle up to ten people safely, however this depends on the observed 'weight' of the energies afflicting the group at large. If that observed weight is excessive, he will call in a facilitator even for such a small number as four. We generally bring in a facilitator for six to nine guests and two facilitators for ten plus participants.

Date: 24-Jun-2017

That is between you and the master plants. The shaman will guide you in how to hold and communicate those intentions, as well how to recognise when they are successfully communicated. You’ll express your intention as you hold the cup, right before you drink each ceremony.

Date: 23-May-2017

Deposit Policy

The Way Inn and its staff invest in things of value to you, mother earth and ourselves. Our prices reflect higher standards of comfort, training, service and overall Aya experience than you will find in any other Peruvian retreat center.

To guarantee your place on any of our medicine programs, we request half your medicine cost be paid at the time of booking. We offer payment programs for the balance. Refunds are made under some, but not all circumstances and there may be administrative fees for cancellations. Please read policy guidelines.

Date: 24-Jun-2017

The brew is made from the vine of cielo ayahuasca and chacruna. A friend and colleague in the jungle prepares it and ships it to the shaman. Generally, the only additions are the same trees that guests drink for their six-day tree bark dieta, as well as some Chirric Sanango, to the ayahuasca brew. The shaman sings medicine songs over the preparation. Over the five ceremony cycle, the shaman adds Bobanzana in later stages as he starts to work the kundalini up into participants heart chakras. The Way Inn never uses Toé in the brew!